
Spiritual Theology: A Systematic Study of the Christian Life is unavailable, but you can change that!

Theology is “the doctrine of living unto God,” wrote the Puritan theologian William Ames. Unfortunately, post-Enlightenment theology has tended to divorce “doctrine” from “living unto God.” And to the degree that this split has been deepened and perpetuated, both theology and spirituality have been impoverished. Spiritual Theology is a rare book. In it, Simon Chan surveys the little-explored...

Loyola. It favors the Cistercian and Augustinian monastic life over the more austere Carmelite and Carthusian.20 A melancholic personality will naturally gravitate toward a more contemplative type of spirituality. If the apostle Paul were alive today, he would probably not be drawn to the Carmelite order. No single type of spirituality satisfies everyone. In fact, diverse Christian spiritualities are a gift of Christ to his church. According to Paul, God has endowed the members of the body of Christ
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